I have to let go now.
“I stare in the ether of my happiest memories and find laughter echoing back at me.
I ask myself if I am doing the right thing, but when I think of you I see your smile, and bright eyes mixed with an endless emptiness that eats everything around it, like a void.
For a time, I doubt there will be a day goes by that I don’t think of you and question myself, but I know that in the end, I have done what’s best for me, and my mind. I think..
I believe someone bored a hole in your heart, my little shipwreck, and if you ever cared for me, I’ll never know, and honestly now, I don’t want to know.
All I want now is for us both to find peace, but more so, for me. I have to learn to let you go, my wordless song, you’re a soundless scream that I am tired of trying to decipher.
I am putting you away now for perhaps better hands than mine can figure you out.”